
Friday, February 25, 2011

Writing and Presenting a Personal Testimony: The Elevator Speech

What's your elevator speech?

Our Bible Study teacher (my coach and mentor) had challenged us to write our elevator speech. I told her about the elevator speech I had practiced to eloquently 'sell my abilities and skills' as the 'perfect' candidate for an open position at work. I performed my elevator speech' to several key people, and I got the job. 

What’s an elevator speech, anyway?  An elevator speech is a short description of the point you want to make, presented in the time it takes an elevator to go from the top floor to the first floor or vice versa. It is a prepared presentation that grabs attention and says a lot in a few words. You are going to tell your core message  in a way that rather than putting people off you will make them want to know more about you and your message.

For this particular blog posting, I put together an outline/guide to help you write your elevator speech. Your elevator speech is the speech that you are going to memorize. Make it a part of you that it will become second nature to you – that you would smoothly and without hesitation tell someone your elevator speech.


A.   In 1 Peter 3:15, the Apostle Paul instructs us to always be ready “to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and respect.”

B.  Your personal testimony is one of the most effective means you have for making such a defense of your faith in Jesus Christ.  Sharing your story on how you came to put your faith in Christ and the difference that decision has made in your life – it’s mobile, flexible, and convenient.

C.  There are numerous examples of individuals sharing their testimony throughout the New Testament. Who is giving the following testimonies and who is listening to them?

1. John 4:39-42
2. John 9:24-34
3. Galatians 1:1-13
4. Acts 21:40
5. Acts 24:10-16

D.  What are some situations where you might be able to share your personal testimony?


The Apostle Paul's testimony serves as a good example. When he shared his story, he presented a logical and simple defense for the hope within him. Generally he spoke of his life before Christ, how he came to know Christ and his life since accepting Christ.

A.   Notice the outline in Acts 21:37-22:21:

1.   Acts 22:1-5: Paul shares about his life before accepting Christ.
2.   Acts 22:6-11: Paul shares how he became a believer.
3.   Acts 22:12-22: Paul shares how his life changed after accepting Christ.

B. Can you find a similar outline in Acts 26:2-29?


As shown above, your testimony can logically be divided into three parts:
·        before accepting Christ,
·        how you accepted Christ,
·        and after accepting Christ.

A.   Before: This section covers what your life was like before you accepted Christ. The following questions may help you think through what you want to convey:

1.    What were the unmet needs in your life? Some possibilities include: loneliness, lack of significance, lack of purpose, a sense of emptiness, fear of death, aimlessness, lack of peace etc.
2.    How did you attempt to have these needs met? Some possibilities include: accomplishments, accumulation of wealth or things, drugs, alcohol, sex, finding fulfillment in work, education, athletics, etc.

B.   How: This section describes the circumstances and events that caused you to consider Christ and the steps you took to become a Christian. Included in this section is a brief but clear presentation of the Gospel.

C.    After: This section explains the changes that have occurred in your life since receiving Christ. This should relate back to the specific issues you discussed in the “before” section.

When writing and giving your personal testimony there are some basic “dos and don'ts” which will make it more effective.

A. Do:

1.   Keep your testimony concise. Three minutes is sufficient time to tell your story. (Read Paul's testimonies out loud. You will notice that none of them are more than three minutes!)
2.   Begin with an interesting attention-getting sentence.
3.   Be realistic.
4.   Be positive from start to finish.
5.   Emphasize the difference that Christ has made in your life.
6.   You may consider using one scripture in your testimony.

B. Don't:

1.   Use Christian terminology. For the most part it will be meaningless to a non-Christian. Words like born-again, saved, invited Christ into my heart, accepted Christ, gave my life to Christ, Christ filled a hole in my soul, etc. are very alien to non-Christians. Therefore avoid using the following:
§  "born again"
Instead use:
• spiritual birth
• spiritual renewal
• to come alive spiritually
• given a new life 
§  "saved" Instead use:
• rescued
• delivered from despair
• found hope for life
§  "lost" Instead use:
• heading in the wrong direction
• separated from God
• had no hope
§  "Gospel" Instead use:
• God's message to man
• the good news about Christ's purpose on earth
§  "sin" Instead use:
• rejecting God
• missing the mark
• falling away from the right path
• a crime against God's law
• disobedience to God 
§  "repent" Instead use:
• admit a wrong
• change one's mind, heart or attitude
• make a decision to turn away
• turn around
• a 180 degree turn from what you were doing
2.   Preach at people. Share your story with them.
3.   Use negative statements about churches, specific denominations, other organizations or people.
4.   Give the impression that the Christian life is without problems.
5.   Be long winded. Keep your testimony concise.


A.   Remember, we are admonished to always be ready to give an account for the hope within us. Therefore, you should always be ready to share your testimony. The following suggestions will help you be prepared:

1. Memorize your testimony.
2. Rehearse your testimony until it becomes natural.
3. Practice you testimony with a friend.

B.   When the opportunity arises to share your testimony, remember the following:

1.   Share your testimony in the power of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to speak to the heart of those listening.
2.   Be relaxed. Smile
3.   Avoid nervous mannerisms.


A.   Write out your story.
B.   Show your story to someone else to proof and offer suggestions.
C.   Make your testimony your elevator speech- three minutes long is what it takes to capture a person’s interest.
D.  Look for opportunities to share your testimony with others.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

God Answers Fervent Prayer

Pray Fervently [Yadni, Inc.]
God commanded us to pray fervently. I prayed fervently, and God answered me.
In 1 Chronicles 4:10,  Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!" The prayer is composed of four parts.
·         First, Jabez asks God to bless him.
·         Second, he asks God to enlarge his territory or increase his responsibility.
·         Third, he prays that God will be with him and stay close.
·         Lastly, Jabez asks that God keep him from harm so that he will be free from pain.
The prayer of Jabez is very short and quick, but powerful. This reveals that Jabez puts all his trust into the Lord. Jabez is showing us that there is only one God and He should be the center of our work. God wants to bless every life. But first, we must make the choice to invite God into our life and ask for His blessings. Jabez wants to succeed and increase his share of influence for God. The specific share of influence is not important. What is important is that when we want to reach for our goals and accomplishments that we have God on our side. Proverbs 16:3 says, "Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.
To commit our work to the Lord, He will establish our plans. We might be reluctant at first not knowing what lies ahead, but by simply committing ourselves to the Lord, the plans that we have, interrelated to his plans are already established by Him. It is equally important to stay close to God and rely on His continued support and guidance throughout life. Jabez clearly knows and prays specifically to the One who can protect him from evil and pain -- God. At the end of the verse it is clear that God approved of this faithful prayer by granting it. It is also important to see that Jabez was passionate in his plea to God: "He cried out to the God of Israel." God wants to hear that we need Him through passionate prayer.
The struggle with choosing to rely on ourselves or God is always an ongoing presence. It does not matter if you are a well-rooted Christian or just a newborn searching to find out more about God. Life is a continuing process of learning and growing. The Prayer of Jabez definitely reveals that God is faithful in caring for those who love and seek Him. Jabez sets a great example of how God wants everyone to come to Him through constant, fervent, and  passionate prayer.
Let’s make the year 2011 a year of a consistent fervent prayer. Building relationship with God is through prayer. God answers prayers when you trust Him.